CardioReportware™ Overview

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CardioReportware Echo
CardioReportware Echo is the base application upon which the CardioReportware software system is based. Thousands of echocardiography exams have been scheduled, analyzed, and billed to the enthusiastic acclaim of doctors, technicians and revenue collection staff.
CardioReportware Echo offers full clinical reporting based on ASE guidelines, or on customer-specific customizable lists for all types of echocardiography exams including: TTE, TEE, Exercise Stress Echo, Pharmacologic Stress Echo,IntraOp, Intracardiac and 3D. Full reports include:
Chambers Dimensions
Valve Observations
Doppler Measurements
Auto stenosis calculations
Wall Motion (17 Segments)
Stress Test with automatic score evaluation
Automatic Conclusions
Customizable library
Intra Op by bass evaluations
CardioReportware Nuclear
CardioReportware Nuclear offers full clinical reporting based on approved guidelines, or on customer-specific customizable lists for all types of Nuclear exams including: Treadmill Nuclear, Pharmacologic Nuclear stress, 1 and 2-day Tc99m, Dual isotope, MUGA, Rest/Redistribution. Full reports include:
LV Function
Gated Analysis
Diastolic Function
Myocardial Mass
Regional Wall Thickening and Motion
Transient Ischemic Dilation (TID)
Myocardial Classification
Automatic Risk Scores Calculations
CardioReportware Stress
CardioReportware Stress offers full clinical reporting based on approved guidelines, or on customer-specific customizable lists for all types of Stress exams including: Treadmill, Bruce Protocol Stress, Alternative protocol stress, Adenosine Pharmacologic stress, Dobutamine Pharmacologic stress. Full reports include:
Medical History
Risk Factors
ECG abnormalities
Symptoms with Auto Sentence Generator
Auto Load of Parameters (HR, BP, Times) from Treadmill Software
Automatic Exercise Scoring
Automatic Risk Scores Calculations
CardioReportware Vascular
CardioReportware Vascular offers full clinical reporting based on Society for Vascular Ultrasound guidelines, or on customer-specific customizable lists for all types of Vascular exams including:
Carotid Duplex
Trascranial Doppler
CerebroVascular Duplex
Aorto-Iliac Duplex
LE Arterial Duplex Report
LE Venous Duplex Report
Renal Duplex Report
UE Venous Duplex Report
CardioReportware Holter & Monitors
CardioReportware Holter and Monitors modules include clinical and administrative reports for:
24 Hr. Holter Monitoring
48 Hr. Holter Monitoring
72 Hr. Holter Monitoring
24 Hr. Ambulatory BP Monitoring
Event Monitor
Event Monitor (Loop)
In addition to the clinical reports this includes the control and inventory of the Monitors with management of:
Hook up
Follow up
Patient follow up and reminders
CardioReportware CTA
CardioReportware CTA offers full clinical reporting based on approved guidelines, for all types of CTA exams including:
Cardiac CT Angiography
Calcium score
Quantitative analysis of vessels
Full Diagram printout
CardioReportware CTA's reporting module supports the Cardiac CT/CTA guidelines established by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT). The system increases productivity while performing consistent customizable study interpretations.
CardioReportware CPX
CardioReportware's CPX (cardiopulmonary exercise testing) reporting module supports Cardiopulmonary Exercise testing. The systems collects all exercise and pulmonary test data with efficient and simple entry system enhancing productivity while performing consistent customizable study interpretations. CardioReportware CPX offers full clinical reporting based on approved guidelines and includes:
Cardiac output
Aerobic capacity
CardioReportware Imaging
CardioReportware Imaging is a web-enabled, multi-modality PACS solution utilizing a feature-rich viewer that offers a complete set of cardiology imaging features including:
State-of-the-art facility-wide PACS Solutions
Integrated Advanced Clinical Visualization Tools